Deluxe Islamic Rustic Wood vase is handcrafted with our talented and professional artists who cleverly deliver that same royal spirit of Islamic culture through their work. The vase is crafted from Mahogany wood of master quality that is featured for its hardness, and its ability to bear any kind of pressure. Then the Vase is hand inlaid with real precious mother-of-pearl with colorful and shiny effect. The whole coverage of the vase is made with Carrot glass paint. Arabesque designed pattern that is made from geometrical shapes formulating the beautiful sophisticated natural design.
Royal designed of arabesque art style; a very traditional and Islamic culture identifier type of art. It emerged in Arab countries between them Egypt, Egyptian artists were using their innovation and the inspiration from the surrounding nature. They used to depict Nature elements on Furniture and other stuff in geometrical shapes and patterns of circles, triangles, and squares to formulate floral or starts patterns in a very nice obstruct way.