A master-quality King Tut Replica is for King Tutankhamun’s Papyrus statues on a papyrus boat. The original statue was found in the king’s tomb which was found in the Valley of the Kings complete and undamaged. There were all the king’s properties settled in perfect condition without being ruined by the factor of time or temperature. This statue was found wrapped with the other two statues of the king. The statue mainly stands for the everyday life of the king. We can see the king is wearing a red crown of Lower Egypt, standing on a green painted boat in a hunting pose. He is holding a harpoon in one hand as being ready to hunt his prey and on the other hand, he is holding a folded rope to be spread in order to blind the hunted animal.
In other myth, it was believed that King Tut in this statue represents Horus, the divine son of Isis and Osiris while he is getting ready to take revenge on his father of Seth. Seth was believed to be the uncle of Horus who murdered his father. Thus, the king is holding the harpoon in ready pose to guide it to Seth heart. The usage of the rope on the other hand is to send away any protections of Seth army. The statue is a symbol of the king’s power and authority.
Our statue is typically made in the same technique as the original one. It is made and built with Mahogany wood. Mahogany wood is well known for its hardness, strength and its ability to bear pressure. It is also featured by its beautiful colors and smooth touch. Then after the statue is built with wood, it is covered with a gold sheet of shiny and high quality. As for the rope the king carries is made of original bronze. The boat on which the King stands is also made of Mahogany wood and painted with green paint. It is made in the shape of a folded papyrus flower with bow and stern. The statue follows the Amerna period of art that emerged in King Akhenaten reign. Thus, we can see the neck is stretched forward, the stomach is slightly swollen and the hips are low.
Unrepeatable piece of decoration adds to your house a glance of history and its valuable heritage. It is of perfect size fits to your small room or your huge hall. It is in an approximate size of 69 W, 74 H, 20 L Centimeters.