Deluxe Islamic set of 6 drink coasters with holder for cups are hand-made with natural mahogany wood that is well-known for its hard wood and its ability to bear any kind of pressure. The set is made by very talented and creative artists located at the heart of Cairo. It is hand-inlaid with precious rare mother-of-pearl that is totally natural material cut, trimmed and colored by hands. We paint it with glass natural shiny colors for colorful beautiful finish. The pearls are cut into geometrical shapes of circles, squares and triangles and settled in floral patterns. Royal Islamic arabesque art style identifies Islamic culture and civilization. Islamic artists were using their innovation to imitate the beautiful elements of Nature through geometrical obstruct patterns on their furniture. The holder is glass paint with dark brown color that almost fits with most of the furniture items. Own now a very beautiful special piece of decoration; serve your hot drinks to your guests in very special way.